Vastandid tõmbuvad? (a.k.a. An absolutely marvelous photograph)

I know you want to know IT…

Sex: how to get it

There are various ways to get laid, the most popular one is prostitution. Prostitution comes in two forms. Cheap prostitution is the act of paying a woman for sex directly, whereas expensive prostitution involves the buying of a thoughtful little gift, paying for a movie or dinner, listening to her stupid ass stories for hours and then getting lucky, maybe, perhaps. Though these are the most commonplace methods, there are others with far more lucrative ones, such as becoming a whore yourself. A crafty young lad or lass can get all the sex he/she desires and make some pocket money too. It’nt nifty?

Eelnev info pärines “maailma täpseimast teatmeteosest” Uncyclopedia, mis esialgu tundub suhteliselt naljaka ja rafineeritud meelelahutusega. Igaüks saab seda ka jooksvalt täiendada. Jah, igaüks – peale minut.ee’s artikli avaldamist on Eestit puudutav osa kordi ümber kirjutatud. Kas just paremaks, saab võrrelda läbi versioonihalduse.

A noh, uhkusega peab nentima, et ka mina olen kaudselt teatmeteose vääriline ;)

All Estonians have a blog in which they proudly present their absolutely marvelous photographs (yes, every Estonian also has a digital camera) and write wet teenage poetry. Some of the bloggers are IT technicians. They are smart.

And now for something completely different :)

The Spanish Inquisition was a jovial TV quiz show between 1950-1955, which no one expected.

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