WP: Syntax highlighting, end repeating while paging
If you have used a custom field inside content loop, you discover, that the custom field element (in my case – photo and description) are repeating on every page of multi-page post. This is a little reminder for myself, how to end that repeating so that custom field that is used in post is shown only on first page (example)
Another topic – at the moment i have two syntax highlighters activated. I have to test and install them more carefully since they both seem to have some “extras”, here are examples:
ticks and quotes seem to be “random”
if(!$_GET[‘page’] OR $_GET[‘page’] < 2) { //pagenumber not available or first page
echo c2c_get_custom('plog_img', '‘, ”);
echo c2c_get_custom(‘plog_desc’, ‘
‘, ”);
} [/php]
PHP Syntax Hilighting 1.2
quotes are backslashed, will try to format a bit the width of code (yeah, i know, its PRE :) )
if(!$_GET['page'] OR $_GET['page'] < 2) { //pagenumber not available or first page
echo c2c_get_custom('plog_img', '
', '');
echo c2c_get_custom('plog_desc', '', '', ''); >